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Lincewood Primary School

Year 6

Lincewood Latest

We hope you enjoy the latest updates below, direct from the classrooms!


Key Information


Curriculum Overview

Each term we revolve our learning around a particular topic.

Click the links below to view an overview of what we learn in each subject.


Autumn Term: World War II

Spring Term: Extraordinary People

Summer Term: Capturing Images


Key Assessments

Year 6 SATs -

At the end of Year 6, children will sit tests in:

  • Reading
  • Maths
  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)

The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 9th May - Thursday 12th May 2022.

These tests will be both set and marked externally, and the results will be used to measure your child's progress and the school's performance.

For more information on KS2 SATS, click here.


How can I help my child prepare for SATs?

Please do not practice old SATs test papers. We will use these in school to prepare the children and to assess their understanding. If the children have already done these at home, we will not get an accurate picture of their ability and may not be able to support them appropriately in school.

Your child's teacher will be preparing homework centered around SATs revision and preparation. Please ensure your child completes what their teacher sets each week and go through it with them to help them understand any misconceptions.

There are also plenty of SATs revision texts to purchase - speak to your child's teacher if you want advice on which one would suit your child the best.

You can also find more information on SATs Revision, using this guide for parents.


Applying for Secondary School



All further information, along with the Secondary School application form, can be found at: www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-secondary-school-place



Production Music - Prince Ali Reprise