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Lincewood Primary School

Unexpected closures

Severe weather contingency plan

Please note that Governors and staff at Lincewood Primary School will do their best to ensure that the school remains open in the event of severe weather conditions.

However, as the safety of the children is our priority, school closure may be necessary during periods of heavy snow.  Therefore, if we cannot maintain sufficient staffing levels due to problems with travel, we will have to close on Health and Safety grounds.

The Site Manager will attempt to clear paths from the main front gate to the main entrance.  PARENTS AND CHILDREN ARE ADVISED TO TAKE GREAT CARE AT ALL TIMES WHEN ACCESSING THE SITE.

As long as we are able to receive deliveries of fresh food, we will continue to provide hot meals.  However, there may be changes to the published menu.

Please also be aware that after school clubs may have to be cancelled at short notice.

In the event of school closure parents will be informed by the following methods:

  • Study Bugs (School/parent phone text message service)
  • the Essex County Council website http://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Dates/Pages/Emergency-School-Closures.aspx

 Please note Radio stations are no longer publicising school closures.

 Our website front page will also show the status of the school

 Thank you.