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Lincewood Primary School

School Uniform

We believe that the wearing of school uniform gives children a sense of belonging and identity, and reinforces our school community.

Parents of children attending the school are expected to support this policy.

The school uniform consists of:

  • Bottle green jumper or cardigan, school logo optional
  • School sweat shirt, school logo optional
  • White shirt or blouse (long sleeves), school logo optional
  • White polo shirt (short sleeves), school logo optional
  • Grey or black trousers
  • Green or grey pinafores or skirt
  • Green and white check or stripe Summer dresses
  • Sensible shoes - black or brown (no training shoes)
  • Sandals - black, brown or white (appropriate styles, for example no high heels or open toe)
  • Simple non-decorative hairbands or headbands only (green or black)


It is not necessary for any element of uniform to have the school logo on. Plain white shirts and green jumpers are suitable and can be bought from a range of affordable shops: 

- Items are available at major chain stores e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S etc...   

- Pre-loved school uniform is also available from the Laindon School Uniform Bank (Manor Mission Church by Lidl in Laindon)   

Items with the school logo can be purchased from UniformWise Schoolwear https://www.uniformwise.co.uk/  


**It is very important that clothing is marked with your child's name -
It is difficult for us to find or identify lost unnamed items of clothing.**


Note: Children will also need a bookbag. Suitable ones can be purchased from the same stores (school logo optional).


Physical Education

It is important for the children to dress appropriately for P.E. lessons with:

  • black, green or white shorts,
  • white or green T-shirts/vests or leotards, school logo optional
  • Black plimsols or trainers (Children perform indoor P.E. in bare feet but may wear plimsolls if this is agreed, for health reasons, with the Class Teacher).

Note: Children will also need a suitable bag/racksack to carry their kit.

For outdoor games the children should dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

- Black, green or white shorts
- Black or green tracksuit bottoms
- White or green T-shirts
- Black or green tracksuit top
- Outdoor training shoes or plimsolls


Children perform indoor P.E. in bare feet. Children with long hair must ensure it is securely tied before commencing Outdoor Games or Indoor P.E. We suggest that children with long hair have it tied up during the whole school day.



For swimming, children should dress in swimwear that allows them to move freely in the pool:

  • Plain one piece swimming costume.
  • Plain swimming trunks or tight shorts (baggy shorts can hinder children’s swimming)
  • A swimming hat can be worn if appropriate.
  • A towel
  • A separate plastic bag to put wet clothes in
  • No jewellery may be worn in the swimming pool.

Children with long hair must ensure it is securely tied before commencing Outdoor Games, Indoor P.E and swimming. We suggest that children with long hair have it tied up during the whole school day.



County recommendations regarding the wearing of jewellery are as follows:

“Watches, jewellery and earrings, belts with metal buckles and another unnecessary encumbrances likely to prove dangerous to the wearer or to others, should not be worn”.

In the case of pierced ears, only small studs should be worn. Neither the school nor the LA can accept any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the wearing of jewellery.


Essex County Council’s ruling (January 1995) states that for Physical Education,
all jewellery, including sleepers and studs in newly pierced ears, must be removed for safety reasons. Those children who do not comply will not be permitted to participate in the activity”.

For this reason, Lincewood Primary School strongly suggests that ears are only pierced at the beginning of the summer holidays, to allow time for healing before the new term begins.

The school cannot be held responsible for injuries caused as a result of wearing jewellery.


Further information can be found on our School Uniform Policy (click)