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Lincewood Primary School

(After School and Breakfast)

School Clubs

See below for the current Lincewood After School Clubs overview:

Lincewood Primary Clubs Letter - Autumn 2024


Click the information below to find out about our Coding Club:



Breakfast Club

The club will operate each school day between 7.30am and 8.40am, after which children will go to their classes as usual.

Breakfast is served up to 8.20am each day and pupils will be taken to their classes from the club.

In order to ensure the safety of pupils and adults please park outside the school grounds and walk your child in to the school.

Please bring your child to the bicycle shed entrance and please ring the bell for assistance.

During their time at the club, the children will be provided with a breakfast of toast, various cereal choices, crumpets or waffles (this will change each day) and will have the opportunity to complete homework, study on the school computers or take part in games in the hall.

Sessions will need to be pre-booked on a half termly basis. Payment is accepted by our online payment system, Schoolcomms, and the payment schedule is set up once you have returned a completed Breakfast Club contract. The cost of the breakfast club will be £5.00 per day for pre-booked sessions and £6.00 per day for a session requested within 7 days of the booking, referred to as a 'late booking' .

To book a place for your child from September 2024 please contact the School Office.


Breakfast Club Contract 2024/25