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Lincewood Primary School

circles ICARE Inclusive, Curious, Aspirational, Resilient, Enthusiastic

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Message from the Headteacher

Welcome to Lincewood from pupil

Welcome to Lincewood Primary School where the staff and Governors are committed to developing the heart and mind of every child.

Together we nurture curiosity and positivity to promote aspiration and build prosperous futures. Through our community, we inspire strength, resilience and equality for the wellbeing of all. We have aspirational expectations of all children and a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum which aims to foster a love of learning, curiosity, resilience and enthusiasm.

Mrs J Braithwaite | Headteacher

Our Approach to Learning

ICARE logo

Our school values underpin everything we do.

IQM logo

We are proud to be an Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence.

Thrive logo

We strive for our children to feel safe, supported and emotionally resilient - better placed to engage with life and learning.




We are delighted to announce that as of 1st April 2024, Lincewood Primary School is now part of the Cresco Academy Trust.


For further information, please go to the 'Our School' Tab and click on 'Cresco Academy Trust'.